10 sessions expire after
6 months.
We do not allow sharing packages and we cannot transfer sessions to another tanner.
Sorry, no refunds.
Add 10% excise tax to each session or package.
*Prices are subject to change*
Entry level bed with no added facial bulbs. This is a budget-friendly option for those that tan easily or are just getting started.
TAN TIME: 20 minutes
Single Session $7.27
10 Sessions $52.73
1 month UNLIMITED $63.64
Bronzing bed with two facial bulbs. This bed gives you a longer lasting tan and works well if you are prone to burning.
TAN TIME: 15 minutes
Single Session $10.00
10 Sessions $74.54
1 month UNLIMITED $85.45
Bronzing bed with three high-pressure facial bulbs. Air conditioned and more room for tanning comfort.
TAN TIME: 12 minutes
Single Session $14.54
10 Sessions $96.36
This booth conditions you to be outdoors. It is spacious and tall to accomodate a variety of tanners. This is also a great option if you need to get rid of tan lines.
TAN TIME: 9 minutes
Single Session $15.45
10 Sessions $118.18
Bronzing bed with four high-pressure facials, body-formed acrylics, and cooling options. This bed has dynamic performance bulbs that guarantee
an even & increased UV output.
TAN TIME: 12 minutes
Single Session $20.00
10 Sessions $160.91
1 month $160.91
Payment is automatically deducted from a credit card you store on file on the same day each month. $20 start-up fee when you sign up. One service is allowed per day with each membership. No appointment needed!
15% off lotion at time of membership purchase.
25% off lotion at time of membership purchase.
Wellness Services- No UV Exposure
25% off lotion at time of membership purchase. ($50 or higher)
30% off lotion at time of membership purchase. ($50 or higher)
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